
Lesson #4 – 2 essential Digital Marketing Strategies

Social Media Strategy To enhance your Law Firm’s online presence and generate more legal leads, Social Media Marketing is the key. It’s a known fact that the future of marketing any business online is social media. Law firms and Attorneys are no exception. It’s the smartest way to gain more traffic to your law firm […]

Lesson #3- 12 Effective Off-Page SEO Ranking Factors

1) Blog Commenting: Promote your Law firm Website’s Blog posts by posting comments in relevant blog posts of other websites. Make sure that their comment section allow links, so that you can comment with a link to your website. Another way to drive more traffic to our website is to invite other attorneys to write […]

Lesson #2 – 12 Most Important on-page SEO Ranking Factors

Having a beautiful website is not enough. You have to optimize your Legal Website so that it shows up on top of the search engine results page. This is Search Engine Optimization, a method to improve your online visibility. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy can be divided into two categories: 1) On-Page SEO 2) Off-Page […]

Lesson #1 : 3 Essential Features of every successful Law Firm Website

If you are thinking of building a perfect website for your Law Firm or If you already have one, make sure it has these three essential features. They are : Intuitive because 1. Users find it easy to Navigate 2. It’s easy to understand Who you are and What you do Responsive because 1. It […]

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